Repair & Maintenance of Tanks

Plant Maintenance

SICC is an approved Contractor to carry out Mechanical Repair and Maintenance of Storage Tanks, including Blast Cleaning and Industrial Coating / Painting for Oil and Gas and Petrochemical Industries and Scope of Services include the following:
Tank Cleaning & De-sludging
Cold Cutting Works
High Pressure Water Jetting
Pipe Cleaning.
Super Sucking Services
Mechanical Repair of Tanks & Vessels.
Hydro Blasting
Blast Cleaning and Coating
Internal Pipe Coating
Waste Management

Team of





On Time

We deliver a comprehensive scope and range of end-to-end construction and contracting solutions

Support Contracting Company associates for advancing environmental and social performance

We’re positioned to fulfill the needs of the local and regional markets in GCC

Construction 96%
Contracting 98%
Detailed Engineering 94%
Industrial Maintenance 97%